The section logo produced by D.Sgt. Selwyn Morgan. Dad with Old Karl, Police Headqurters Norfolk My wonderful crew....! Headquarters Coiln.....working???? The three Johnstone's at the bidding of the Chief Constable Dad (Headquartes, Alan Smith (Gt Yarmouth) Mike Doy (Attelebrough)

A Little Bit of 36ACM2VK

The Norfolk County Constabulary Police Dog section was formed in1959 with the appointment of Pc Pimlot from Kings Lynn and Dad in Old Catton Norwich ...since starting this little nostalgic journey I have been pleased by the comments and contacts. So if you need more information on Police Dogs...check out the links below...not forgetting my 8 years with Norfolk Constabulary

Norfolk Constabulary

and the Johnstone’s

Hethersett Ex Police House Walsingham Old Police House